Music Theme
Welcome to Themify Music theme demo. This theme includes drag & drop Builder, music player, albums, events, galleries, videos, press, and much more…
Some music albums
Upcoming events, meetups & concerns

CITY Newspaper’s 2017 Best Busker Contest
May 25, 2017 @ 5:00 pm

Enjoy the past event and meet up videos

Featured on Billboard
Cras elementum sem id purus pulvinar, non tristique ligula sodales. Donec tincidunt eu metus id egestas. Cras ornare elit ut dolor placerat gravida. Proin tortor odio, condimentum sit amet dapibus eu, feugiat eget lectus. Suspendisse sed ultrices non nec urna.

GQ Cover
Praesent in odio venenatis, congue ante eget, pretium nisi. Proin quis viverra leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce consequat molestie magna quis posuere. Sed interdum metus id iaculis dignissim. Sed laoreet libero elementum.

Appeared on Blender
Quisque ullamcorper ipsum mi, vel pharetra tortor tristique sollicitudin. Nunc venenatis eget augue eget bibendum. Sed sed vestibulum nisl, in ornare metus. Suspendisse sit amet sagittis ante. Cras vel metus fermentum magna fringilla vehicula.

Flare Magazine Cover
Aenean a nisi eleifend, vestibulum lorem ac, aliquet est. Phasellus nec est sit amet augue suscipit eleifend vitae ac ante. Donec id erat quam. Donec sagittis egestas metus et malesuada. Nunc consequat felis vel dui rutrum, a pulvinar tellus mattis.
News & updates

To Kickstart or Not to Kickstart
Many people I know have run successful crowdfunding campaigns, and they tell me I should look into doing one myself in order to get my several long-overdue albums of backlogged music off the ground. But then I look at crowdfunding efforts for sick people and important causes, and I can’t stomach the idea of putting […]

A Website for Sore Eyes
Like some kind of vegetarian zombie, Yeah! Pete Johnson is rising from the graveyard of having put his music career on the back burner and crafting a wildly modest Internet presence the likes of which everyone has seen countless times before. And this is it! So look around! Enjoy the lush two-dimensional splendor of this […]